Jeremy Westcott accompanied the service on the piano.
Pedro led the congregation in singing the hymns.
Rich Sutton welcomes everyone while Achim Tonhauser, Susan Hunt, Dora Maria Mazariegos, and Richie Perez listen.
Susan Hunt called for the offering.
Ginny Arce, Benny (2018 9th grader), and Samantha (2018 sophomore) played an offertory.
Eric, Hiram, Oliver, and Thanos (2018 juniors) collected the offerings.
Dyaine Falkenhagen and Samantha sang "Grace".
Richie Perez spoke about "What Time Is It?" for the baccalaureate address.
At one point, the audience was asked to raise their hands and imagine Jesus coming.
Pastor Perez called up various groups to support each other.