The alumni Sabbath services on April 7, 2018 began with a song service led by Blake and Dyaine (seniors), accompanied by Bonnie Cruz (Class of 1973) on the piano. The opening song was “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”.
Vangie Lowe Archer (Class of 1978) welcomed everyone and reminded everyone that she graduated 40 years ago. Laurelbrook became her “home” when her parents divorced. She marveled at the number of students she found at the school and enjoyed “beet parties”. She worked her way through Fletcher Nursing School with what she learned at Laurelbrook, earning her entire way through nursing school. Here at Laurelbrook she learned about Jesus.
David Leader (Class of 1978) had the opening prayer. John Youngberg (Class of 1978) had some opening remarks. The Class of 1968 sang “A Song of Heaven and Homeland” for special music.
Sarah and Citlali (seniors) had the mission story and called for the Laurelbrook Missions Offering, which was collected by seniors Sarah, Citlali, Blake, and Josia and which goes to support Laurelbrook mission trips. Recent trips include a trip to Mexico managed by Mexico Missions and a trip to Cuba in March.
Becky Hansen Mundall (Class of 1968) had the lesson study on the Cosmic Controversy and closed with the closing prayer.
An intermission followed and the introduction of the honor classes.
Following are a few notes from John Youngberg’s talk:
- We all suffer from constant conflict affiliated with the Great Controversy.
- Laurelbrook exists to train young people to go out into the world and do the work that isn’t getting done.
- Satan wants to be god. We all suffer from someone’s actions due to the fact he has a position God didn’t intend him to have.
- 90% of the media is owned by a few companies. 90% of Christians have incorrect beliefs. Laurelbrook gives its students a Biblical world view.
- Conflict with his stepmother, who just died, brought him to Laurelbrook. Eventually he and his stepmother became friends.
- If God sends us on stony paths, He will give us appropriate shoes.
- The Scopes Monkey Trial was the first radio-broadcast trial in the United States, dealing with the subject of human origins.
- Memories from Laurelbrook helped sustain him through life’s current of secularism. This struggle makes you strong and qualifies you to help others.
- At Laurelbrook, he learned the practical skills of life lacking in today’s educational systems.
- One good person can do much good.
- We can partner up with Jesus, who can take care of the devil, who is the world’s bully.
- Edmund Burke warned the government of the consequences of the way the British were treating Americans. He famously said that the way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Following are few notes from the mission story:
- The Mexican church where their group stayed was so new it didn’t have a functioning bathroom. The pastor introduced them to a lady living nearby, hoping the lady would let them us her bathroom. She didn’t want to.
- The group learned that she was short of toilet paper so they bought her some. She was so appreciative of this gesture.
Robert D. Zollinger did this backdrop for the 2018 Alumni Weekend.