The Sabbath services on November 24, 2018 began with a song service led by Gustavo and Dafne (juniors), accompanied by Leilani (junior) on the piano. The opening song was “I’m a Pilgrim”.
Beth Brandt welcomed everyone, had prayer, and read the scripture reading – Hebrews 11:13 “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of [them], and embraced [them], and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”
Sandy Roberts read a mission story about a young man in his twenties who is a Bible worker in Saipan. As he travelled to the island, the island suffered a typhoon. So for two months he helped the Adventist Community Services distribute food. He met Joel, another young man whose family was desperate for food. Eventually he started giving Bible studies to Joel, who confessed he was not satisfied with his life. Joel, who was from the Philippines, had to return home when his work ended. The Bible worker eventually learned that Joel had died. About a year later, Joel’s sister told the Bible worker that Joel had changed; she attended some evangelistic meetings and was baptized.
Beth Brandt then called for the Laurelbrook Missions Offering, which was collected by Hayden and Mahary (juniors) and which goes to support Laurelbrook mission trips.
Clayton Brandt had the theme talk on Bible biographies, had the closing prayer, and announced the classes. Rodney Herra led the lesson study in the main sanctuary,
Personnel Other Than Students:
Beth Brandt – wife of Clayton Brandt
Clayton Brandt – works with Laurelbrook’s heavy equipment as well as general maintenance
Rodney Herra – former Laurelbrook staff member presently engaged in a car repair business with his son Bubba / local head elder
Sandy Roberts – caregiver for Laura Mae Zollinger, a retired nurse living on the Laurelbrook campus
Following are a few notes from Clayton Brandt’s presentation: