Services in the Laurelbrook Seventh-day Adventist Church on April 27, 2019 began with a song service led by the Maria (junior), Yzzynne (9th grader), and Kelly Ann (9th grader), accompanied by Jeremy Westcott on the piano. The opening song was “This Is My Father’s World”. Katherin Swanepoel welcomed everyone, and Ruan Swanepoel had prayer.
Scott Sterling read a mission story from Uruguay about a girl whose mother almost aborted her and who lost all her family except her parents in accidents. She listened to an anti-Ellen White broadcast and decided to read an Ellen White book. She finally found one and was eventually baptized in a church whose building funded by a 13th Sabbath offering.
Scott Sterling then called for the Laurelbrook Missions Offering, which was collected by Mark (junior) and Asher (sophomore). Katherin Swanepoel and Leilani (junior) sang a vocal duet for special music, accompanied by Asher on the piano.
Ruan Swanepoel then had the theme talk. Mark (junior) had closing prayer. All the students met behind the glass for their Sabbath School class. Scott Sterling taught the student Sabbath School class. Clayton Brandt taught the Sabbath School class in the church sanctuary.
Following are some notes on Ruan Swanepoel’s talk:
- God has a special blessing for us in a garden, especially in the early morning.
- Weeding also teaches us diligence and persistence.
Education, p 17 says every human being has a special power – individuality. Those who develop this talent become leaders.
- When he went to the Amazon jungle in Columbia, he discovered that a certain plant couldn’t be grown in high areas due to disease. Then a national took him to an island where the plant was growing well. He decided to provide the nutrients the plants needed. Then the river dropped, making it hard to get the nutrients back to their land. Finally, a hard rain came, and his boat was able to get the needed chicken manure to the plants. When those nutrients were exhausted, the plants started dying again.
- Jesus told a story about seeds growing differently in different soils.
- How is the ground in your heart? Is it rich and ready to receive God?
- Agriculture helps us ask the right questions about what is taking place and finding the right answers.
- In Texas, a 17-year-old concentrated on gardening. Soon his whole family was working for him. Then the family moved to Oklahoma, and his gardens failed due to bad water. There was a solution – the water could be altered by certain farm machinery. Unfortunately, this machinery was built only for large farms. So he and a friend are designing cheaper machinery for small farmers to use.
- In life, we must tie in to the pure water that is Christ.
Following are some notes from Scott Sterling’s lesson study on loneliness:
- Some believe that everyone must get married so they fulfill God’s plan for their lives, but there are circumstances when it is better not to marry due to sin.
- 1 Samuel 18:1 “And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”
- David’s friendship with Jonathan was very close, illustrating the fact that you can have close relationships outside of marriage.
- 1 Corinthians 7:33-34 “33 But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please [his] wife. 34 There is difference [also] between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please [her] husband.”
- The marriage relationship is not the only thing that takes away loneliness.
- We should have the love of God in our hearts and be prepared to share that love and friendship with those who are lonely. Our friendship should not be limited to a few that we favor.
- People who are intensely lonely often drive others away by always wanting to be with a certain group.
- Jesus was neither elated by praise nor dejected by censure.
- It is best for some to stay single; others prosper spiritually by getting married. God is the one who should make that decision.
- A person who feels needy should not begin a relationship at that point.
- Our focus should be on God, not on other people.
Personnel Other Than Students:
Clayton Brandt – works with Laurelbrook’s heavy equipment
Jeremy Westcott – teaches some of the academy classes and works with the campus music department
Katherine Swanepoel – Ruan Swanepoel’s wife, expecting a child
Ruan Swanepoel – Laurelbrook’s farm manager
Scott Sterling – Laurelbrook IT person